THE SIKH HERITAGE Beyond Borders-Book review

Sikh Heritage is not lost just Misplaced Review of The Sikh Heritage Beyond Borders by Dalvir Singh Pannu Dalvir Singh Pannu, a dental practitioner by trade delivers a book rich with history that connects the Panjab of Pakistan with the diaspora of today.   Now available at Amazon UK Some

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Napoleon Bonaparte to the Duke of Wellington: The sword at the Battle of Ferozeshah

SMI 11: GOLD-HILTED SWORD (GLAIVE)  Date: Before 1800Origin: France-Napolean Bonaparte Presented by the Duke of Wellington to Lt. Col. Sir Henry Hardinge, later Field Marshal 1st Viscount Hardinge of Lahore, in 1817. Worn by him at the Battle of Ferozeshah in 1845. It was said to have belonged to Napoleon

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3d museum featured on BBC world service

Sikh history through virtual environments-Take me to VR churchBBC Heart and Soul AIRED ON Fri 20 Mar 2020 at 12:30 UKVisit: (UK only) or BBC iplayer to hear the full programme. The Sikhmuseum Initiative was featured on the Global reaching programme Heart and Soul on the BBC World Service

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Rare Sikh Maharajah’s Sword recreated in 3d

SMI 9: Khanda (with pistol) Date: before 1879 Original Location: Patiala, Punjab. Present location: Nottingham Museum Service Museum No: NCM 1879-105 This sword referred to as a Khanda is characterised by a basket hilt and a double-edged blade. Whilst traditionally associated with the Sikhs the Khanda has its origins in

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Sikh Museum Initiative 2019 Review

We had a great 2019 undertaking showcases, research, lectures and ensuring that Sikh history was explored with all age ranges and diverse audiences across the UK. We contributed towards the Alice Hawkins and Votes for Women exhibition at New Walk Museum. Together with a “Legacy of Sophia Duleep Singh” panel

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Anglo Sikh Virtual Museum BBC Live

Live interview from New Walk Museum, Leicester at the launch of the Anglo Sikh Virtual Museum. Gurinder Singh Mann Interviewed by Kamlesh Purohit (BBC).

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Virtual Reality showcased at RBS Sikh Network event

18th June 2019 RBS Sikh Network Bishopsgate London The Sikh Museum Initiative Team showcasing at the Royal Bank of Scotland’s Sikh Network event “Honouring our Past, Embracing our Future” in London. With over 200 people in attendance, the event was an excellent opportunity to showcase the Sikh Museum’s work and

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Launch of the Festival of Norfolk and Punjab. 15th June 2019

15th JuneAncient House Museum, Thetford, Norfolk. The launch of the Sophia Duleep Singh Exhibition at Ancient House Museum took place in the morning. The building was owned by the Prince Frederick Duleep Singh, son of Maharajah Duleep Singh who donated it to the town of Thetford. The museum is hosting

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Birmingham Nagar Kirtan

Sikh Digital Relics and Artefacts Showcase-Birmingham

Sunday 28th April 2019, Handsworth Park, Hinstock Rd, B20 2ET, Birmingham. Over 30,000 turned out to the annual Nagar Kirtan and Vaisakhi Celebrations in Birmingham. The Sikh Museum Initiative was able to showcase their recent work to the visitors to the celebrations. Using touchscreen monitors and a virtual reality setup

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Destruction of Historic Gateway at Tarn Tarn

Sri Tarn Tarn Sahib Historic gateway demolished Information was received last night(30/03/2019) that the historic Darshan Deori (gateway) leading to the main Gurdwara or Darbar Sahib at Tarn Tran was demolished by Kar Sewa seminary headed by Baba Jagtar Singh. The town of Tarn Tarn was founded by Guru Arjun

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