International Sikh Research Conference 2016: Call for papers


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Last year the Sikh Museum Initiative undertook the presentation Documenting Sikh Relics and Artefacts in the UK at the International Sikh research Conference(ISRC) 2015. The call for papers for the 3rd ISRC is now live.

The ISRC has been successful in arranging two conferences in Sikh studies in the UK. We aim to encourage the global Sikh diaspora to engage with academic scholars and researchers to make this another important global event.

Topics for the Conference

The conference will bring together presentations from leading researchers in the field of Sikh Studies and associated scholars in other fields. Scholars, researchers and academics are encouraged to submit an abstract of maximum 500 words which highlights research on any of the following themes: Musicology, History, Philosophy, Scripture, Diaspora, Identity, Politics. Abstracts may reflect completed research projects as well as work in progress. Other relevant related topics are also welcome.


Once the abstracts have been considered, authors will be notified if their paper has been accepted.Abstracts/papers must be original work which has not been submitted or presented elsewhere. All authors of a paper must have made a recognizable contribution to the paper and honorary’ authorships will result in the entire paper being rejected. All Presenters are expected to consider their own travel expenses to the Conference.

Proceedings from the conference will be published for delegates and selected papers will be published in a forthcoming journal.

Please see the submissions page on how to submit a paper for the conference.


Call for Abstracts announced: 25th January 2016
Submission of Abstracts: 25th March 2016
Notification of acceptance: 8th April, 2016
Date of Conference: 11th June, 2016
Submission of extended papers: 30th September


If you want to attend the conference, you will need to book a place through the registration page.

More information at
Facebook page:

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