Sikh Museum Initiative 2019 Review

We had a great 2019 undertaking showcases, research, lectures and ensuring that Sikh history was explored with all age ranges and diverse audiences across the UK.

We contributed towards the Alice Hawkins and Votes for Women exhibition at New Walk Museum. Together with a “Legacy of Sophia Duleep Singh” panel discussion with Anisha Johal and Kiran Kaur (University of Derby) and Jaskiran Bhogal (London School of Economics). We also supported the Festival of Norfolk and Punjab by the Essex and Cultural Diversity Project at Ancient House Museum, Thetford, with a special lecture on the “ Sikh Empire Artefacts from Duleep Singh”

We undertook many Digital Showcases including: Vaisakhi Celebrations at Handsworth Park, Holla Mohalla event at Guru Nanak Durbar Gurdwara, Cardiff, RBS International Women’s day event, Willenhall Gurdwara for Guru Nanak 550th event and many others as well including at Falcon Primary School, Leicester with great Q and A with children of all age groups. As well as Sikh Camps at Sedgley Street Gurdwara, Wolverhampton etc.

The launch of the Anglo Sikh Virtual Museum took place in August with panellists Susan Stronge (Victoria and Albert Museum) and Dr Opinderjit Takhar (University of Wolverhampton) and myself, hosted by Daljit Makan, we unveiled the online museum with special exhibits namely jewellery from the Sikh Empire in 3d from a private collection.  We also supported the Monarchs-Maharajah Ranjit Singh at the Royal Armouries in Leeds with two days of interactive displays.

To mark the Gurpurb or Guru Nanak 550th birth Anniversary we undertook a special showcase and lecture at the University of Wolverhampton on Sikh relics and artefacts as part of the “Inaugural Conference of the Centre for Sikh and Panjabi Studies. A Journey of 550 Years: Sikh Studies in Academia” with many scholars from the across the world in attendance.  A special panel discussion also took place at New Walk Museum on the life of Guru Nanak with Dr Gurnam Singh, Dr Iqtidar Cheema (Special adviser to the UN) and Narinder Kaur Bring (University of Wolverhampton). We showcased a number of 3d objects including a Special Guru Nanak Sword and from the collection of Tony Paul and a Khanda/Sword from the Nottingham Museum Service and a Sikh Empire Coin. Special 3d technologies training by Taran3d was undertaken in a ‘Oneness Day’ in Leeds and a  SketchUp course at the Birmingham City University entrepreneurial Maker space-hub.

We have been supported by Rav Singh and A little history of the Sikhs through the Special walking tours and digital showcases throughout the UK. The year ended with special research undertaken at the Victoria and Albert Museum, Royal Armouries and the University of Leicester.

Special thanks to Taran3d, National Heritage Lottery Fund and Leicester Museum Service for supporting the work we are doing.