
SMI Exhibition: An Indian Summer



An Indian Summer takes place at 15+ venues and locations in Leicester City Centre – with live performances, activities and workshops in film, music, dance, comedy, art, theatre, fashion, talks & debates, exhibitions, food. !

The SMI was representing at this important event in Leicester from 19th June to the 28th June 2015. The team had created a powerpoint presentation and this was beamed onto a wall. Gurdeep Sian, Creative Director of the Indian Summer created this concept of having images and text within the confines of a geographical map of India.

SMI Board 3

The ‘Geography of the Granth’ was also beamed onto the wall which gave an insight on the contributors of the Guru Granth Sahib and their birth locations. The aims of the SMI were shown on exhibition boards at the venue.

SMI slide

1000’s of visitors came through to see the Indian Summer during the two weeks. The SMI team will be working with the Indian Summer team in the future.

Visit www.indiansummer.org.uk

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