The scripture of Guru Gobind Singh: New book explores the Sikh art of War

Following up a best-selling book (Sri Dasam Granth Sahib: Questions and Answers. Archimedes Press) is hard to top, but that is what scholars Kamalroop Singh and Gurinder Singh Mann have achieved with the Granth of Guru Gobind Singh: Essays, Lectures and Translations (OUP). The Sikhs believe in the primary scripture,

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SMI Lecture report: Documenting Sikh Relics and Artefacts in the UK

Documenting Sikh Relics and Artefacts in the UK The second International Sikh Research Conference (ISRC) showcased the research of University students as well as seasoned scholars of the Sikh faith. The conference was convened by Harjinder Singh Lallie (University of Warwick) and Gurinder Singh Mann (Director of the Sikh Museum

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Auction of Sikh Relics in the west has reached alarming proportions: Sikh Scholar

The Hindustan Times in India (Patiala pages) printed an article related to the lecture undertaken by Gurinder Singh Mann, SMI.  

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SMI lecture: Sikh Relics and Artifacts in the UK

Dr Paramvir Singh, Dr Jaspal Singh-Vice Chancellor,  Gurinder Singh Mann and Dr Sarbjinder Singh. Prof. Harbans Singh Department of Encyclopaedia of Sikhism Punjabi University, Patiala Special Lecture on Sikh relics and artifacts in the UK Patiala: Professor Harbans Singh Department of Encyclopaedia of Sikhism of Punjabi University, Patiala, organized a

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