Register for the International Sikh Research Conference 2017

ISRC 2017 Register now Please find attached the final call for registrations for the 4th International Sikh Research Conference at the University of Warwick (17th June 2017). As you will see the ISRC has a wonderful lineup of speaker with subjects covering: Sikh Scriptures, Sikh heritage in London, Sikh Empire under

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International Sikh Research Conference 2017 C4p

ISRC 2017 Call for papers The ISRC has been successful in arranging three conferences in Sikh studies in the UK. We aim to encourage the global Sikh diaspora to engage with academic scholars and researchers to make this another important global event. The conference aims to explore research and academic inquiry into

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International Sikh Research Conference showcases the depth in global Sikh research.

ISRC 2016 held at the University of Warwick was a major success. The third International Sikh Research Conference (ISRC) showcased the research of University students as well as seasoned scholars of the Sikh faith. The conference was convened by Harjinder Singh Lallie (University of Warwick) and Gurinder Singh Mann (Director

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International Sikh Research Conference 2016: Call for papers

  Last year the Sikh Museum Initiative undertook the presentation Documenting Sikh Relics and Artefacts in the UK at the International Sikh research Conference(ISRC) 2015. The call for papers for the 3rd ISRC is now live. The ISRC has been successful in arranging two conferences in Sikh studies in the UK. We

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SMI Lecture report: Documenting Sikh Relics and Artefacts in the UK

Documenting Sikh Relics and Artefacts in the UK The second International Sikh Research Conference (ISRC) showcased the research of University students as well as seasoned scholars of the Sikh faith. The conference was convened by Harjinder Singh Lallie (University of Warwick) and Gurinder Singh Mann (Director of the Sikh Museum

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International Sikh Research Conference 2015

The annual International Sikh Research Conference (ISRC) has been established because there has been a serious neglect of Sikh Studies in the UK. Whilst there are many Sikh scholars studying and researching Sikh Studies, the subject is not highly recognised or represented at a national level in the UK. The

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