Sikhlen Arts and Film Festival Birmingham 2023

Sikhlens Arts and Film FestivalMillenium Point, Birmingham16th June 2023 Great day at the first Sikhlens festival in the UK. Thanks to Bicky Singh, Harinder Singh, Sangat Television (Official) Nishkam Centre for arranging a great day. The Sikhmuseum team: Gurinder Singh Mann, Kartar Singh, Raj Mann was in full effect engaging

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Anglo Sikh Wars: A Journey into relics, technology, generals and battlefields.

Anglo Sikh Wars Seminar29th April 2023National Army MuseumLondon “ Best seminar of the year and we only in April” “this seminar should be taken across the nation” “ A sensitive subject adequately handled by all speakers” The seminar at the National Army Museum was an action packed day for discussions

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Afghan Sikh Relations: The Graveyard of Empires with a Twist

By Gurinder Singh Mann, 18/08/2021 On Monday 16th August as the Taliban had taken over Kabul, last in the line of cities to fall, the USA president addressed the word citing Afghanistan as the graveyard of Empires. There is no consensus on who coined the phrase but the title alludes

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