Bringing Back Puritan Sikh Art
The artist Ravjot Singh Kapoor (Kapoor Saab) is interviewed by historian-Gurinder Singh Mann. What got you interested in creating Sikhi Portraits? I would say these are not merely Sikhi portraits but paintings about Indian spiritual history based on Gurbani and stories about Sikh gurus and saints. From Gurbani, one can
Great fanfare for the 2nd UK Sikhlens Film Festival
Saturday 18th May 2024Phoenix Arts CentreLeicester The 2nd Sikhlens Film festival brought in visitors from all around the country to celebrate Sikh film and arts. The mammoth day comprising over 30 films both short and long films mesmerised audiences throughout the day. There were 4 major sessions our select films
Sikh Artists Day at the Leicester Heritage Fair
Leicester Adult EducationBelvoir StreetLeicesterSaturday 11th May 2024 It was an amazing day with artists and the public attending the Contemporary Sikh Art Exhibition. Hosted by Gurinder Singh Mann-Two talks took place where artists explained their motivation behind their artworks at the exhibition. The artists included Jyoti Kaur, Navdeep Panesar, Guneit
Report: Vaisakhi-FA Faith and Football 2024
Vaisakhi-FA Faith and Football 20241st May 2024Wembley Stadium Wembley Stadium played host to a Vaisakhi celebration on Wednesday evening, the latest series of ‘Faith and Football’ events. This year, over 700 guests experienced the evening with many Sikh artists including the Sikh Musuem Initiative presenting their Sikhi based artwork which
Vaisakhi at Leicester Museum 2024
Vaisakhi at the Museum by the Sikh Museum InitiativeLeicester Museums and GalleriesNew WalkLeicesterSaturday 6th April 2024 A great Vaisakhi event at Leicester Museums today with great weather and a great turnout.Falcons Primary School started the day off with a Vaisakhi performance which drew great applause from visitors. This was followed
Sikh Art Exhibition in the media
There has been a great response to the “Contemporary Sikh Art Exhibition” including media coverage reaching a global audience. BBC Radio Punjab 2000 Highlights video PTC Punjabi
Special Sikh Art exhibition opens to great reception
Location: Lower Gallery, Leicester Adult EducationBelvoir St, Leicester, LE1 6QL Cllr. Manjula Sood and Sukhnoor Kaur (Falcons Primary) cutting the ribbon/Punjab 2000. The Sikh Museum Initiative launched its Contemporary Sikh Art Exhibition on Wednesday 21 March 2024 at Leicester Adult Education. Attendees came from across the UK to view over 100 pieces
Contemporary Sikh Art Exhibition
Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024 to Thursday 30th May, 2024 Final weeks: w/c 20th May Time: Monday to Thursday 8:30 AM to 8:30PM Friday 8:30am – 4:30pmw/c 27th Bank holiday closed Tue-Wed 8:30am – 6pm. 30th May Thursday 8.30am to 7pm The team will be around from 4pm to 7pm. Location: Lower Gallery, Leicester Adult
Leicester Heritage Fair
Countdown to the Contemporary Sikh Art Exhibition10th February 10:00-15:00 at Leicester Adult Education CentreBelvoir St, Leicester, LE1 6QL Great to engage with the public with regards to the initiatives that the Sikhmuseum run. It was a busy day with visitors wanting to learn more about our Anglo Sikh Virtual Museum.
Sikh Exhibition-Call for artwork
Greetings Artists and Art Enthusiasts, The Sikh Museum Initiative are thrilled to announce an upcoming art exhibition dedicated to celebrating and exploring contemporary Sikh art. This exhibition aims to showcase the vibrant and diverse expressions of Sikh culture, heritage, and identity through the lens of modern art. We warmly invite
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