When History meets Technology: Mapping the online Sikh Museum

When history meets Technology-Mapping the online Sikh Museum ” very useful and Informative session” ” very good and insightful talk” Saturday 17th November Newarke Houses Museum Leicester The Sikh Museum Initiative hosted the first session on educating the public on new technologies. Head of the SMI, Gurinder Singh Mann introduced

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Sikh Relics and Artefacts lecture: 125th anniversary of the death of Duleep Singh

Sikh Relics and Artefacts: From the past to the technological future with Gurinder Singh Mann and Taranjit Singh *** Part of the Festival of Thetford & Punjab *** Taranjit Singh discussing how arrows can be 3d scanned. We present a lecture undertaken as part of the Essex Cultural Diversity Project

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The Sikh past can be preserved now

Sikh Relics and Artefacts: From the past to the technological future Saturday 7th July 2018 Guildhall, Thetford “The Sikh past can be preserved now”  this was the statement made the head of the Sikh Museum Initiative, Gurinder Singh Mann and developer Taranjit Singh in a special lecture on Sikh relics

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BBC Radio Interview: Sikh Art Exhibition and online museum launch

BBC Radio Leicester Interview Broadcast on BBC radio Leicester on 10/05/2018 Head of the Sikh Museum Initiative, Gurinder Singh Mann is interviewed on BBC Radio Leicester regarding the launch of the Contemporary Sikh Art Exhibition (with Art Sikh) and online Sikh Museum project. The new Anglo Sikh Virtual museum is

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World’s first Online Sikh Museum project launches at new exhibition thanks to lottery funding

  Sikh Museum Initiative given funding for an online museum Objects will be 3d modelled from public and private collections People will be trained up in digital skills The objects will be seen using virtual reality googles Online Sikh Museum project The Sikh Museum Initiative and ArtSikh present the Contemporary

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