18th June 2019
RBS Sikh Network
The Sikh Museum
Initiative Team showcasing at the Royal Bank of Scotland’s Sikh Network event
“Honouring our Past, Embracing our Future” in London.

With over 200 people in attendance, the event was an excellent opportunity to showcase the Sikh Museum’s work and vision. Giving the user an immersive and interactive experience of historical artefacts SMI’s Virtual Reality Headset proved very popular; with many attendees commending the level of detail, quality of experience and endless possibilities that this project offered. This was together with the 3d Touchscreen which displayed several historical artefacts.

Users got to immerse themselves with these objects and discover the possibilities with 3d technology, this all leads into the online Sikh Museum which will be launched shortly.

The event included a panel of excellent and inspiring speakers as well as hosting stalls from SikhPA, Nishkam SWAT, Basics of Sikhi and Khalsa Aid, Paghvala and Punjab Restaurant and Rav Singh’ Walking tours of London.’ The Sikh Museum Initiative would like to thank Amrit Bahia, Inderpreet Sanghera and the RBS Sikh Network for inviting us to this important event.

The 3d touchscreen technology is also on view at Ancient Houses Museum, Thetford, Norfolk until 3rd August. This is part of the Sophia Duleep Exhibition-Festival of Norfolk and Punjab visit the link for further information. https://essexcdp.com/event/fnap-princess-sophia-exhibition/
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The Anglo Sikh Museum is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.